NineYards Skateparks NK Skateboarden 2016
Actions Sport Events
Dutch National Skateboarding Championship Tilburg
Koepelhal Tilburg
Hans van Dorssen
Nine Yards

Custom-designed course for the Dutch National Skateboarding Championships

In collaboration with SFN Sport Manager Hans van Dorssen, we undertook the challenge of constructing the course for the Dutch National Championships in 2016. The course was built in a short timeframe and was available for all skaters to use for a period of 5 days. With various street elements, there was plenty of challenge in the skate park for all of the Dutch talent.

Nine Yards Skateparks NK 2016 Tilburg Street Skateboarding
Nine Yards Skateparks NK Street Skateboarden 2016 Tilburg

Dutch National Skateboarding Championship 2016

In the skate park design, consideration was given to a world-class competitive street course. The skate park was constructed in just a few days. The design incorporates various types of materials to give the course an aesthetic appearance and provide even more challenge.

The Winners

In the end, the following competitors secured a spot on the podium:

1. Magic van Heeswijk
2. Douwe Macare
3. Sjoerd Vissers
4. Bart Buikman
5. Robbin de Wit

NK Street Skateboarden Nine Yards Magic van Heeswijk
NK Street Skateboarden 2016 Nine Yards Skateparks
NK Street Skateboarden 2016 Nine Yards Skateparks